Physicist Laplace discovered in the nineteenth century that the whole universe constructed itself and huge energetic explosions split the planets and created the spaces between galaxies. In the same epoch Antoine Lavoisier found the Hermetic predicate : nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything transforms. This is very applicable to the evolution of the universe. Robert Charroux grouped most interesting scenarios of the creation of the universe starting with the theories of couple of remarkable scientists :
- Expansion - Abbot Lemaitre Universe
Lemaitre supports the creationist version. For him the universe started from a point, there is always expansion and at the end of this dilatation everything will disappear.
- Continual creation - Fred Hoyle's Universe
Space has no boundaries and the universe is eternal ad is always developing itself and always similar a constant density.
- Big Bang - The Universe of Ryley Martin
13 billion years ago, all matter concentrated into a single point in space exploded violently. From here it could be concluded that energy equals matter. At first, quasars were made, these are light waves that traveled the space nebulae, the galaxies were then designed. Total mass is finite, but it is in a infinite space. When the period of 13 billions years ends, space will be filled and there will not be time anymore. The Bing Bang theory states that after this explosion, an implosion that will remove all cosmic matter into a point. Interestingly, this theory corresponds to the Brahmans tradition which says that when God exhaled, the universe was born and that when hi will inhale, the universe will be soaked back into him. A complete breath ( exhale/inhale ) of God is believed to, in Hindu religion, to take 11 billion years.
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