"The Big Idea is that there is only one God - and that this God does not care if you are Catholic or Protestant, Jew or Muslin, Indian or Mormon, or if you have no religion whatsoever.
The Big Idea is that everything we have to do is love each other - and in our world, everything else will take care of themselves, of our willingness to act in loving ways with each other.
The Big Idea is that none of us is better than another.
The Big Idea is that all the earth's natural resources belong to all people of the world - and it has nothing to do with the land on which, or under which the resources is located.
The Big Idea is that freedom is the essence of life, not something that you acquire or what you may be given, but What You Are - and any effort to limit the expression is an effort to limit life itself, which one the soul will recreate at each level, until the soul, which is FREEDOM, is fully expressed in every moment.
The Big Idea is that happiness is the natural state of being, and the joy is always expressed to the fullest and most quickly by showing it."
Neal Donald Walsh
That's a very positive outlook :) Wish I knew you in real life.
Really liked this idea when I read Dan Brown's book.
Happiness is much needed these days. You are very right.
more people need to realize this
Idealistic. Hopeful. But I believe somewhat impossible. Humans are in fact just animals at our core, and will always revert to instinct and animalism rather than idealism.
In a perfect world maybe
wise words sir wise words.
Agree with everything you said, but mankind is simply too evil despite this.
everything in life is abundant
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great! :-D love this!! should watch the movie about him, pretty good.
i actually share some of those (big) ideas. nice post. following you.
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