
December 04, 2011

Cloning a Mammoth?

A recent report states that scientist might be able to clone a mammoth after finding well-preserved bone marrow in Siberia. Russian and Japanese scientist are stating that they will launch a joint research project next year with the scope of cloning the gigantic mammal.

This was all possible because with the increase in temperature because of global warming, there have been parts of Russia that have thawed which lead to the discoveries of a few mammoth skeletons.

The cloning will be possible by replacing the nuclei of an elephants egg cell with the ones that were taken from the mammoths marrow. As with almost all cloning, after that is done the embryo will be placed in the womb of an elephant, since the mammoth and elephant are close relatives.

Now, my question is if this would be an ethical thing to do. While it's not cloning humans, cloning in general is a very controversial subject. I'm all for it, but some people still resent the day Molly the sheep was successfully cloned. And even if the scientist will be able to find enough intact DNA, a lot of things can still go wrong in the process, so the chances of reviving a species that has been gone 10,000 years are still very, very slim.


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